MAX has been continuously expanding its office products business in Japan for more than 70 years. Our staplers and staples actually hold the No.1 share in their product category in Japan.
In addition, MAX is recognized by customers across Asia and the Middle East as the top quality manufacturer.
Why has MAX achived recognition as a top manufacturer by Japanese and Asian people? We are strongly committed to quality, and continually receive the support of our customers as a aresult.
Today "MAX = high quality" has become an established brand throughout the region.
We have researched and created new functions such as "flat-clinch" and "light effort". Functions which our customers feel are convenient, whenever they use our products. Specially,
our research keeps us close to our customer's needs by having members of our product planning division and R&D staff actually visit customers using our staplers, seriously consider ways to improve their satisfaction, and grasp new functions which can be used for stapler innovation.
We will deliver superior MAX products to the entire world, and aim to put a smile on the face of all the people who use our products.

Pioneering stapler design and manufacture over 70 years
MAX was established in 1942.
Our first stapler "Yamako Smart" was launched in 1946, and continues to be a long selling item with its original beautiful chromium plating design. We also developed Japan's first handy stapler in 1952,
and proceeded to pioneer the mechanisms for the world's first "Flat Clinch" staplers.
Due to our philosophy of only producing high quality products, we continually strive to achieve ultimate functionality and quality.